
- Django, HTML/CSS, JS
- Docker, Esbuild
CMS, Blog and Portfolio
DevCase is a privacy-focused and secure CMS, Blog and Portfolio made with Python & Django. Designed with developers and IT professionals in mind.
- Responsive and uniqe design
- Configuration via Django-Admin
- Blog
- Portfolio & Project-Showcase
- Social Media Links/Icons
- About-Me with Skills (optional with downloadable Resume)
- Markdown support with Syntaxhighlight and TOC
- Contact-Form (with captchas)
- Search
- Dynamic Pages (Footer)
- Dark Django-Admin Theme
- Settings for Favicon
- Optimized for good SEO
- Dynamic sitemap.xml and robots.txt
- Settings for S3 compatible-storage (optional)
- Commenting System (with captchas)
- Email notification (optional)
- Supports Umami-Analytics (optional)
- Deploy to Digitalocean Button
The project is available under GNU GPLv3 Licence.