About Me


My name is Robert Burkhardt. I am a fullstack developer with a background in web design and ecommerce from Germany. Im also a tech nerd and linux enthusiast interested in open source and privacy.


  • Python
  • Dart
  • Django
  • Flutter
  • SQL


  • Docker
  • Git
  • Neovim
  • Tmux
  • Figma


  • Music
  • Linux
  • Android
  • Open-Source
  • Pixel-Art

My backstory

Sometime in the early nineties I was born in the charming little town called Schwäbisch Hall. After high school I ended up in Berlin in a roundabout way. There I worked and studied for the last 10 years. Towards the end of 2021 I moved to Saarbrücken to work as a web developer.

From design to code

After my apprenticeship as a media designer at the end of 2015, I quickly realized while working in the field of web design (figma/illustrator) and ecommerce (seo/advertising) that I was much more interested in the technical aspect. After the first smaller steps with static websites I quickly went over to fullstack with the help of Python and Django. Thanks to my school and the many years with Linux, I have come to enjoy Python and SQL already before. Some time later and a further apprenticeship as an IT specialist in application development, I came to the decision to focus on mobile development with Dart and Flutter (2023).

Getting in contact

If you or your company are looking for a friendly and motivated developer, I would be happy to hear from you. To contact me, please use the contact form or send me an e-mail at:
